Super Pitch Online Booking

Please Note…

  1. If the booking calendar has no available pitches for the dates you require please phone +44 (0)1364 654 869
  2. Please pay the full price if it is less then the deposit of £50.00.
  3. A Maximum of 6 persons only per pitch (2 adults are included with your booking). You should only add more adults in “Extras” if there are more than 2 adults. Please make sure you have not overbooked.
  4. If you do not have a PayPal account you can still book using a credit or debit card
    • On the PayPal login page, click on ‘Pay by Debit or Credit Card’.
    • On the next page ‘Checkout as Guest’ click on ‘Continue to Payment’. You do not need a PayPal account.